
We've done it!

We are excited to share that we have reached our goal of raising $15,000 for our new enhanced play structure. Go Parkdale! Wow!

To the families who donated, thank you so much for your incredible generousity. We should all feel so proud of the way our community came together on this legacy project. Thanks to you, our new play structure will be bigger and better. Watch for details about construction which is expected to begin fall 2024.

Thank you Parkdale Families! 

P.S.: Did your family miss your chance to donate to the playground? You can still help support our school with a donation through cash online. Be sure to select Parkdale PS, and School Council Fundraising. You will receive a tax receipt and your money will be used to support other important school initiatives. Together, let’s make Parkdale PS an amazing place to grow!

What else Council has Subsidized/Funded