Parkdale PS School Council

Working with our school community to help our students learn
and succeed in fun and engaging ways

All Parkdale Public School parents & caregivers are invited to get involved in our monthly meetings, 

council committees and fundraising initiatives. 

Donate to Parkdale PS School Council Fundraising Committee

Welcome Parkdale Community!

What's Happening at Parkdale PS?

Quick Latest News

Movie Night Friday Jan 10th 

Come to our next movie night on February 7th! We will be featuring a movie to celebrate Black History Month.

As usual, we will be selling snacks, hotdogs, grilled cheese and drinks, so come cozy up with Parkdale PS. Wear your PJS and bring your blankets!

Next Council Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 12th


Hybrid: Teacher's Lounge at the school or online - see weekly Principal's email for zoom link.

Volunteers Needed

Get involved with the school council! We are always looking for volunteers to help with

Playgroug Opening Celebration!

We invite all families to come join us on Wed. Jan 29th for Free hot chocolate, free cookies, free glow sticks and a ribbon cutting at 4:30pm. This play structure is a reflection of our incredible Parkdale PS community. Let’s celebrate it together!


If you have a Google Calendar, you can easily add these events to yours, by clicking the link button below

Garden Updates

Jen Ball, our amazing Green Team Committee Lead has been doing incredible work with the committee to revitalize Parkdale PS's gardens! Thank you so much to all of the volunteers who contribute to maintaining our gardens.

Read the full update

Check out events that are coming up at our school like our spring fun fair!

Whether it's volunteering, donating or simply expressing your thoughts, there are many ways to get involved and show your support! 

Read up on the processes, bylaws and resources that keep this council running